Bananas Benifits in English and Urdu

Banana is most popular fruits in all of the world, when you eat bananas your taste goods and many others good banana sourses .Banana is papular because of their good value and good nutrients .

It is of the most popular fruits in all of  every country.

Banana benefits

1. Bananas have good nutrients that help to improve your good health .

2: Bananas provides us  immediate engergy.
3. Bananas is source of fiber and can help your to restore your normal bowel movements.

4. bananas are rich in Magnesium,
Vitamin B6 , potassium, Magnesium and
Vitamin C.

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5: Bananas helps you to regulate your blood pressure and are easy to digest.

6. Bananas replace your essential nutrients lost during
exercise and have no fats.

7:Bananas help you in depression .

8:Bananas is Rich in iron , they have help us in hemoglobin function.

9. Bananas are increase the body absorb calcium, bananas helps us in  strengthening of ours bones.

10:They are good in keyney .bananas helps us in kedney stones .
11. They are have on contain sugar

12. Every peoples with diabetes are recommended toevery one to eat Bananas in moderation.

Bananas benfits in Urdu


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