Honey Benefits in English and Urdu

We knows that, honey is sweet, it tastes very sweets and delicious in lemon juice and tealemon .Honey makes many ways in healthy, you may have never heard of. The best and Good honey is organic and natural organic.
Some best honey benefits b here

1. Honey is antibacterial effect.

2. Honey is  increases energy .Honey Decreases the low or high fatigue .
.Honey makes mental stimulates alertness .

3. Honey is protects us against heart disease.
Hiney makes improving blood circulation system and Honey is also protects against damage capillaries.
Honey boosts ours metabolism. Hony stimulates us against weight lossing.

4.It  makes the face fresh and skin soft and . 
Honey reduce wrinkles .Honey is also makes dry skins soft and heels supple.
Honey home remedies
1. Hinet Mixed with ginger and black pepperblack .Honey helps us  in asthma .
2. Mixture of  A honey, cinnamon and moderate hot olive oil or other oil,you applied honey topically, Honey protects you in your hair lossing and stops your 
toothache .


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